Friday, May 25, 2012

Come in! Come in!

Welcome to my new blog: Shel Silverstein Rocks- 
                 here you can find everything Shel Silverstein:
                                poems, lesson plans, crafts, and overall inspiration. 

Where the Sidewalk Ends was the first book I ever read where I completely ate. up. every. single. word on the page. His poetry is perfection in the eyes of a child: it is both silly and meaningful. I can remember sitting at my desk at a very early age feeling as though a fire ignited within as I read his words. I had finally found poetry that had meant something to me. His words jumped into my heart and created a writer, making me feel as though life had just begun.

Silverstein inspired me to write, and this is my way of saying thank you. 

 so join me....

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